Friday, April 23, 2010

Easter fun!

you'd think my kids were in the witness protection program
all the kids were ready and rearing to go

Cutie pie Salvatierra was one of the first to score an egg!

All the daddy's "supervising" while the mommies were in the thick of it

we tried to be tricky, so much so that i found 1 a week later,
but we thought the kids found them all

this is the face i make when i regret whatever i just started, the EGG WARS lasted for at least an hour, good thing gma and gpa were not home...

cutie pie Bartlett stayed far from all the action, Sarah grabbed this shot herself,
having fun w/ the camera

notice the eggs in mid-air, ahhhh, what was i thinking, everyone had loads of fun!

poor, well he dished it out too, so not so poor Jeremy got pelted

why do all the eggs seemed t be aimed at my head, thanks for the protection hunter!

me and my girls, it's been a long time, so nice to live close again. hopefully this is the first of many get togethers, thanks for coming!

time to nap with the dog after so much fun, she was so cute w/ Lexi!



Ryan Cox said...

I LOVE the picture of you holding the bowl of eggs. You are so dang gorgeous and so cute with that expression! :)

Tony and Courtney Bozzuto said...

wow, Easter! You're almost all caught up! It looked like fun!