Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Daily Grind!

Ok this is for those that want more of daily happenings in the Cheshire household. Today Hunter and I had a nice game of Chutes and Ladders (He won by 1 space!!) and loved every minute of it. Savannah and I went to Activity Day Girls @ the church and learned about manners and etiquette from our very own Ggma!! She was wonderful and made the cutest butterfly necklaces and keepsake boxes for each of the girls! Brigham and I didn't get to spend too much time together today, but he did have scouts. He came back with painted leaves, and him and I are working on memorizing the Scout pledge. Is that what you call it? He loves scouts! Daddy worked all day at both of his jobs and I had a slight break from photo stuff. We had grandma here visiting while Grandpa, Brent and Brian met Brad in Draper for a curbing job. Until next time!!


Wards said...

Hey Kensley! How are you guys! Sounds like things are going good! The pics of Angie and her girls are really cute! She is one of my good friends from when I lived up there! What a small world! We had a little girl! I'm not sure if you knew that or not! You should check out our blog! Hope all is well with you guys!

Unknown said...

I'm really wanting to know what you mean by curbing job.

I know it as something reallllllllllllllllly mean :(

Although I know its not what you mean...I just don't know.. ohh nm :p Luv ya

Tony and Courtney Bozzuto said...

When are we going to see something new??