Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterens/Kensleys Day 2008

Today I had a lot going on in my head...I know this is quite a surprise for some of you. Beside all the normal mumbo jumbo, like when should I attempt the stock market, I hope gas prices continue to fall and a desire to find money to buy a shotgun I spent four hours this morning watching our neighbors 2 year old boy while Kensley and Robin went shopping for Kensley's birthday. I cant believe that she is now 30. I thought it was weird to turn 30, but Kensley has always been so young compared to me, then I thought wait a minute pal, you are in your mid thirties so technically she is still young. Happy birthday babe.

The other thing I thought of today was veterans day. With the veterans that are in my family from my Grandfather, Dad, and brother, I want to thank all those who serve or have served our country. Something that bothers me is that Utah does not recognize veterans day as a state holiday. I don't understand it. There are so many people in this state that serve, and to not do anything I think is a disservice. So to all who deserve it, I salute you and am grateful for your service.