Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama for President

Just a funny thing that happened today. I don't even think that I have told Kensley about this yet...sorry.

This morning the children awakened us pretty early and were very good at getting ready. Afterwords we were watching some of the original coverage from 9/11/01. I was explaining how people died and other emergency personnel also died trying to save them. while we were discussing this, Hunter turns to me and say's, "I want Obama to win."
(I am sorry Mom that this even came out of my child's mouth, but I am not sure where he got it from.)
I told him that if Obama became president, a lot of things would happen that we wouldn't like. This is the funny part.
Savannah who is usually the smarty pants of the family replies,"Yeah bad things, like everyone will have to smoke all the time."
After a good amount of laughter, I corrected her and told them of some other things that I was referring to.
Just a glimpse into what our children are thinking now days.
BTW Hunter said he now wants McCain.


The Cheshire Five!! said...

way too funny!!!!

Katrina said...

Hey guys, don't forget to invite us to read your blog!

BTW, I love it!

1384 n said...

Go Hunter! I love your Blog! Hope you don't mind me peeking in on your guys! It's good to see you! So to speak!